Lao Cai will hold a regional festival "Northwest Essence - Lao Cai Beauty"

Festival "Northwest Essence - Lao Cai Beauty" will be held at the Northwestern region for the first time, taking place from October 1 to 3, 2021, in Lao Cai city. The opening of the festival is associated with the program of the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of Lao Cai province.

At the Festival, there will be an art program with content praising the beauty and traditions of the homeland and the Lao Cai people, as well as expressing the desire to overcome difficulties and challenges for integration and development; an art form that closely combines traditional and modern art.

Festival is held in Lao Cai city with many interesting activities and festivals.

The festival also includes many festival activities, such as: the Festival "Northwest Brocade - Colors of Life," which is held at Nhac Son Park to display, introduce, and promote Lao Cai culture and tourism with the participation of representatives from 8 Northwestern provinces; and the Street Festival "The Elite Road," which is held at Nhac Son Park with the participation of artisans, artists, actors, and the general public from both inside and outside the province; the festival combines costumes and music, dance and unique symbols of ethnic groups are attractively designed, structured and staged; The art fashion show "Northwest Brocade - Colors of Life" presents the collections of some designers on traditional brocade weaving materials of the Northwest ethnic groups…

According to LCDT

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